Monday, November 12, 2007

Monday's story ideas

Veterans Day. Along with the traditional Vet's Day piece, send out a photog to do a nat sound show closer, or a musical tribute to end your newscast.

And while on the subject of veterans, you might explore the Vet's spending bill now working its way through congress. What will this mean to the average vet? Supposedly it would speed up their benefits process and take better care of those soldiers suffering from post-traumatic stress.

Which new hybrids get the best mileage? And which standard cars get better mileage than hybrids? And how well do hybruds hold their value?

Kiss off. Someone actually did a study that found some red lipsticks contain lead. Estee Lauder is now going green, using organic products in its cosmetics.

Home heating. How energy efficient are the latest Energy Stars? Is it worth it to replace your old system in light of what will surely be a very expensive winter? Do the math for your viewers.

Tax relief bill for middle class just passed. Explain it.

Congress wants a 61 cent increase in taxes on a pack of cigarettes. How much would it take for a smoker to quit?

-Share your story ideas! We'll post the good ones.

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