Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Tuesday's story ideas

Sales of DVDs are dropping. Is it the technology, fears of a recession, or the fact that Hollywood just hasn't been making very good movies lately?

Some state legislators are working to help people avoid foreclosure. Check to see what's happening along these lines in your market. (Thanks to Megs for that idea.)

New studies show "moderate" sun exposure is good for you (Vitamin D) but what about the risks of skin cancer? Talk to a dermatologist to find the happy medium.

New Jersey considered putting "mini windmills" on its highways to generate electricity from the wind current created by cars. (This assumes the traffic in Jersey actually moves fast enough to create a breeze. Note to Governor: getting rid of the toll booths might help.)

Speaking of tolls, how much gas can you save by getting one of those EZ Pass gadgets? How much does one minute of idling cost you??

As schools try to combat childhood obesity, is weight training appropriate for young people?

Tattoo removal. Yes, they're popular, but many people want them gone as they get older.
Lie detector tests. How accurate are they, and can people "beat" them? (Just in case Roger Clemens actually takes one.)

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