Saturday, March 22, 2008

Current events test

OK, someone wrote in asking to see a typical current events / general knowledge test. I pulled out an old one and updated it a bit. Here's what I'd give to a job applicant:

1. Name the Vice President of the United States.

2. Why did Eliot Spitzer resign?

3. Name the NFL team involved in "Spygate."

4. Who anchored the CBS Evening News before Katie Couric?

5. What is the exact number of United States Senators?

6. What political office did George W. Bush hold before he was President?

7. Who did Jay Leno replace on the Tonight Show?

8. Where will this year's Democratic National Convention be held?

9. Who is the current Chairman of the Federal Reserve?

10. What do you call a car that runs on both gasoline and electricity?

11. What does "FEMA" stand for?

12. Which country came under fire for producing toys made with lead paint?

13. Name the US Senators of the state in which you currently live.

14. Name the man thought to be primarily responsible for the 9/11 attacks who is still at large.

15. Global warming is thought to be caused by what kind of gases?

16. What movie won the most recent Academy Award for Best Picture?

17. Who is Brad Pitt's wife?

18. What is the name of Barack Obama's controversial minister?

19. Who was the first American in space?

20. What year was the Declaration of Independence signed?

Answers: Ha! I'm not giving them to you! As my father would say, if you don't know something, look it up!

So how'd you do? This test is not that hard, but just a way to find out if you're well rounded and have a basic knowledge of history and what's going on right now.

15-20 correct: Great. You know history and read the entire newspaper.

10-15 correct: Not bad. You need to read more.

5-10 correct: Put down the mirror and pick up a newspaper.

0-5 correct: You've skated through life on your appearance and will probably go far.

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