Monday, December 22, 2008

The "Do Not Call" list

Rule number one of job hunting: Send the tape and fuhgeddaboudit.

Yes, as news people we're told to always follow up and be aggressive. But in the case of job hunting, it is best to send it and forget it. News Directors get dozens of interruptions each day, and they don't include the phrase "No phone calls" in jobs listings without a reason.

The only time to call a ND is if you are instructed to. Otherwise, no calls, no nagging emails, candygrams, etc. I know that waiting can be painful, but a call isn't going to speed up the process.

And if that's not enough to make you stop, consider this. If you are in consideration for a job, every time you call your price will go down. You'll be seen as desperate, and then a ND will know you can be gotten on the cheap.

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