Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Wednesday's story ideas

Some members of Congress want to tap the strategic oil reserve to lower gas prices. What do the reps and senators in your market think?

Get this... seven percent of all dead doctors are still active in the Medicare system. So some unscrupulous contractors are filing claims from the deceased that are being paid by Medicare.

Survey says that keeping a food diary helps people lose weight, as people will stop eating when they see how much they've consumed during the day.

CDC launches healthy nation campaign, stressing that people should be more pro active in preventing disease rather than waiting to treat it.

Environmentally, what's the best way to recycle your electronics?

FDA orders stronger label warnings on certain medications.

Gas stations with full service islands. Is there anyone left who doesn't pump gas? (Other than those of you in New Jersey.)

***Coming this afternoon.... a guest column from a broadcast attorney

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