Friday, October 31, 2008

Trick or Treat

Pop Quiz: Decide whether these management techniques are tricks or treats.

1. You are a morning anchor working for a cheap company. The producer has just given notice and will be leaving in two weeks. The News Director says he will hire someone as soon as possible but asks you to produce your own show, "Just for a few weeks."

Answer: Trick. Your chances of seeing another producer are the same as newsrooms going back to developing film.

2. You are the 5pm anchor. You are called in and told you are being moved to the morning show, because it is "more prestigious" and has better ratings... and will be a better showcase for your talents.

Answer: Trick. You're being demoted. The morning shift is a killer, and often a place they dump anchors when trying to get them to leave.

3. You are a reporter and your ND asks if you'd be interested in filling in for the weather staff from time to time.

Answer: Treat. Anything that makes you more versatile is a good thing. Learn to do as much as you can.

4. Your station hires a new News Director who calls a staff meeting on his first day and says, "None of you should worry about your jobs. Nothing will change."

Answer: Major trick. You just got a Charlie Brown rock in your Halloween bag. Start sending tapes.

5. You are about to sign a new contract and notice that the out clause you negotiated is not in the fine print. When you ask the ND about it, you're told, "Don't worry, that will be between you and me."

Answer: Trick. Unless it is in writing, NDs suffer from selective memory.

6. You're a reporter coming up to the end of your contract when the ND calls you in and offers you an anchor job... but you'll have to stay another three years.

Answer: This could be a trick or a treat, depending on the station and where you want to go in your career. Consider the options carefully.

7. You're offered a job with a different station and the ND makes an offer, saying, "This is as high as I can go."

Answer: Probably a trick. The first offer is generally a low one, as the NDs job is to get you as cheap as possible. Always ask politely for a little more money. The worst they can say is no.

8. The ND looks for volunteers to anchor during the holidays.

Answer: Treat. Once again, grab every opportunity you can. Who cares if no one's watching?

9. You're offered a job and told, "Occasionally, you might have to be a one man band, but that probably won't happen."

Answer: Trick. Lies this big are generally told in Congress.

10. The assignment editor called in sick and no one can find the daily file.

Answer: Treat. Finding your own stories is always better.

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