Saturday, July 23, 2011

This blog and its content are copyrighted. Publishing and other unauthorized uses of any portion of tvnewsgrapevine without expressed written permission are violations of copyright law.

Most people don't know that the moment you write something, your work is copyrighted. You don't have to register it with the U.S. Copyright office. Even if it doesn't contain this copyright symbol © , the work is yours and still subject to copyright law. You might not also realize that the contents of a personal email are also subject to the same laws.

That said, I have received many requests in the past, many from college professors, to re-print various posts made on this site. I also understand that there are other blogs and websites that contain links to this site. If you ask for permission and get it, fine. Links to the blog and/or links to specific posts are also fine. If you want to read what I've written, and what I own, you have to come to this site to do so. I'm not in business to provide content to someone else's site.

In recent days I have become aware that other sites have been publishing my posts, either in part or in their entirety, verbatim without my permission. This is a clear violation of copyright law. In addition, any personal comments I make to anyone via email are also copyrighted, and may not be re-published anywhere in any form without my permission.

In the cases of sites that are revenue generating, this is basically taking content I have created and re-selling it for profit. It's no different than taking a novel, uploading it online without the permission of the author, and making money from it.

This is simply a notice to anyone who wishes to re-use any content from this blog, or any content of any emails sent by me. For instance, if you contact me via email, and I respond, you may not publish any part of my response in print or online. If you would like to use something you must ask for my permission in writing. You may not, under any circumstances, re-publish my blog posts either in part or in their entirety, without my permission.

Those who have taken any content from either this site or any emails and re-published it in any form without my permission should consider this a cease and desist notice and must remove said content from their sites immediately. To not do so would leave someone in violation of U.S. Copyright law, and subject to the penalties associated with said violations.

TVNEWSGRAPEVINE, copyright 2011 © Randy Tatano


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