Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Wednesday's story ideas

Green story. Go unplugged. Even things that aren't in use, like cell phone chargers and some appliances draw power. Cut your energy bill and do your part to save the planet.

Extended warranties. In this season of appliances and electronics, are these things worth it? (Would companies want to sell them so badly if they were?)

Knockoff Christmas tree lights. Some companies are producing cheap and sometimes dangerous lights and simply copying the underwriters laboratory logo. UL is a non-profit organization that certifies products are safe. So how do you know what's safe?

Travel story. With airlines flights & hotel rooms so expensive, do you have frequent filer miles or points ready to expire? Miles are notoriously hard to redeem, so ask a travel agent for some tricks. And if you can't use them, did you know you can get things like magazine subscriptions for miles?

Criminals love foreclosures. Abandoned homes attract copper thieves, drug dealers, and other ne'er do wells.

Year end tax strategies. Charitable donations, buying energy saving products with tax breaks, etc.

Health story. FDA decision on Avandia is near. What does this mean to people with diabetes?

Another health story, but one with little video. STD's reach record high. You'll have to get creative with this one.

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