Saturday, January 24, 2009

Don't make a News Director hunt for references

Paper resumes are generally the last thing a ND looks at, after checking out your tape, and (if he or she gets that far) reading your cover letter.

While your resume should only be one page (unless you started in the dinosaur age like the Grape) I continue to be puzzled by people who put "References will be provided on request" on the bottom. This drove me crazy when I was in management, because, drum roll please...

It forced me to make an extra phone call.

Keep things simple, and make things as easy as possible for a News Director. Include a separate page of references, and, this is important, make sure the phone numbers are correct.

It makes absolutely no sense to leave references out of your resume. Are they some deep, dark government secret that will only be revealed if we reach DEFCON One?

Three references, from different places, with working phone numbers. You'll make a ND happy.

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