Thursday, January 15, 2009

Honeymoon periods: politicians are counting on reporters to send a gift of laziness

We're not just getting a new President in a few days, but a whole bunch of other new politicians as well.

And they're all counting on journalists to give them a honeymoon period.

It's natural to cut the new people some slack. After all, they're learning the ropes, they're gonna make mistakes, right?

Trust me, they all know that the honeymoon period is the best time to sneak stuff past reporters.

If you want to find good stories in politics, you have to shadow these people from day one. Challenge every move they make, check every piece of legislation, and keep an eye out for the alliances they form.

And follow the money. You know those campaign disclosure forms politicians fill out showing who donated to their campaigns? Time to match those names with the contracts handed out in new administrations. Generally there are connections, as people are getting paid off for their support during the campaign.

It's fine to welcome new politicians to the scene, but let them know you'll be watching from the minute they take office.

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