Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Live shot intros: When you're new, keep 'em short

When you're starting out, it is presumed you know the basics of putting together a news package.

But when it comes to live shots, you'll all headed for the deep end of the pool. One reason is that most colleges don't have live capabilities, so you're not exactly prepared when you're sent out into the real world.

I'm seeing lots of stumbling live shots from young people lately, and there's often a common denominator.

You're trying to memorize too much. Or you're reading off a pad and it looks unnatural.

So today's quick tip: Keep your intros short. When you try to memorize a long into, it looks as though you're "reciting" your lines. Remember, the director is your friend back at the station, and you want that person to take your package clean. Keep your intro short... two sentences. Then if you want to go long, do it after the package has rolled. You don't have to worry about a roll cue at that point.

Can't remember a roll cue? Just say, "Take a look." Just make sure the director and producer know that's your style.

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